JRuby 1.0.3 was recently released and so was Rails 2.0. I decided to try JRuby 1.0.3 + Rails 2.0 and realized that a few additional steps (because of Rails 2.0) are required to get a trivial Hello World applcation up and running. Here are the steps:
- Unzip JRuby 1.0.3.
- Make sure to set JAVA_HOME and JRUBY_HOME.
- Also include JAVA_HOME/bin and JRUBY_HOME/bin in PATH for convenience.
- Install Rails 2.0 as shown below:
~/samples/jruby arungupta$ jruby -S gem install rails --include-dependencies --no-ri --no-rdoc
Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
Successfully installed rails-2.0.2
Successfully installed activesupport-2.0.2
Successfully installed activerecord-2.0.2
Successfully installed actionpack-2.0.2
Successfully installed actionmailer-2.0.2
Successfully installed activeresource-2.0.2 - Create a simple app using the following steps
- Create a template app as:
jruby -S rails --database mysql hello
orjruby -S rails -d mysql hello
It's important to specify--database mysql
otherwise Rails 2.0 uses sqlite3 as the default database.
- Add a Controller and View as:
cd hello
jruby script/generate controller say hello - Edit the controller as:
vi app/controllers/say_controller.rb
and add the following variable in "hello" helper method:
@hello_string = ""
- Edit the View as:
vi app/views/say/hello.html.erb
and add the following as last line:
<%= @hello_string %>
Notice, the view extension is.html.erb
instead of.rhtml
. - Download, Install and Configure MySQL (additional step for Rails 2.0)
- Mac OS comes pre-installed with MySQL in /usr/local/mysql directory. Start the server as:
sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe
Alternatively, you can download and install MySQL Universal server (only .dmg format, not tar.gz format as specified here). - Create a database as:
sudo ./bin/mysqladmin create hello_development
- Start the WEBrick server (in hello directory) as:
jruby script/server
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